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SimCLR Loss

This module implements the SimCLR loss function for contrastive self-supervised learning.


  • SimCLRLoss

    Implements SimCLR Cosine Similarity loss.




SimCLRLoss(temperature: float, **kwargs)

Implements SimCLR Cosine Similarity loss.

SimCLR loss is used for contrastive self-supervised learning.


  • temperature

    (float) –

    A scaling factor for cosine similarity b/w [0, 1].

Source code in neuralspot_edge/losses/
def __init__(self, temperature: float, **kwargs):
    self.temperature = temperature


call(projections_1: keras.KerasTensor, projections_2: keras.KerasTensor) -> keras.KerasTensor

Computes SimCLR loss for a pair of projections in a contrastive learning trainer.

Note that unlike most loss functions, this should not be called with y_true and y_pred, but with two unlabeled projections. It can otherwise be treated as a normal loss function.


  • projections_1
    (KerasTensor) –

    a tensor with the output of the first projection model in a contrastive learning trainer

  • projections_2
    (KerasTensor) –

    a tensor with the output of the second projection model in a contrastive learning trainer


  • KerasTensor

    keras.KerasTensor: A tensor with the SimCLR loss computed from the input projections

Source code in neuralspot_edge/losses/
def call(self, projections_1: keras.KerasTensor, projections_2: keras.KerasTensor) -> keras.KerasTensor:
    """Computes SimCLR loss for a pair of projections in a contrastive
    learning trainer.

    Note that unlike most loss functions, this should not be called with
    y_true and y_pred, but with two unlabeled projections. It can otherwise
    be treated as a normal loss function.

        projections_1 (keras.KerasTensor): a tensor with the output of the first projection
            model in a contrastive learning trainer
        projections_2 (keras.KerasTensor): a tensor with the output of the second projection
            model in a contrastive learning trainer

        keras.KerasTensor: A tensor with the SimCLR loss computed from the input projections
    # Normalize the projections
    projections_1 = l2_normalize(projections_1, axis=1)
    projections_2 = l2_normalize(projections_2, axis=1)

    # Produce artificial labels, 1 for each image in the batch.
    batch_size = keras.ops.shape(projections_1)[0]
    labels = keras.ops.one_hot(keras.ops.arange(batch_size), batch_size * 2)
    masks = keras.ops.one_hot(keras.ops.arange(batch_size), batch_size)

    # Compute logits
    logits_11 = keras.ops.matmul(projections_1, keras.ops.transpose(projections_1)) / self.temperature
    logits_11 = logits_11 - keras.ops.cast(masks * LARGE_NUM, logits_11.dtype)
    logits_22 = keras.ops.matmul(projections_2, keras.ops.transpose(projections_2)) / self.temperature
    logits_22 = logits_22 - keras.ops.cast(masks * LARGE_NUM, logits_22.dtype)
    logits_12 = keras.ops.matmul(projections_1, keras.ops.transpose(projections_2)) / self.temperature
    logits_21 = keras.ops.matmul(projections_2, keras.ops.transpose(projections_1)) / self.temperature

    loss_a = keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy(
        labels, keras.ops.concatenate([logits_12, logits_11], 1), from_logits=True
    loss_b = keras.losses.categorical_crossentropy(
        labels, keras.ops.concatenate([logits_21, logits_22], 1), from_logits=True

    return loss_a + loss_b



l2_normalize(x: keras.KerasTensor, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) -> keras.KerasTensor

Performs L2 normalization on a tensor along a given axis.


  • x

    (Tensor) –

    Input tensor

  • axis

    (int | tuple[int], default: None ) –

    Axis. Defaults to None.


  • KerasTensor

    tf.Tensor: Normalized tensor

Source code in neuralspot_edge/losses/
def l2_normalize(x: keras.KerasTensor, axis: int | tuple[int, ...] | None = None) -> keras.KerasTensor:
    """Performs L2 normalization on a tensor along a given axis.

        x (tf.Tensor): Input tensor
        axis (int | tuple[int], optional): Axis. Defaults to None.

        tf.Tensor: Normalized tensor
    epsilon = keras.backend.epsilon()
    power_sum = keras.ops.sum(keras.ops.square(x), axis=axis, keepdims=True)
    norm = keras.ops.reciprocal(keras.ops.sqrt(keras.ops.maximum(power_sum, epsilon)))
    return keras.ops.multiply(x, norm)