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Heart Rate Variability (HRV)

Heart rate variability (HRV) is the variation in the time interval between consecutive heartbeats. HRV is a measure of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) and is often used as a proxy for stress. HRV is also used to assess the risk of cardiovascular disease and sudden cardiac death.

Compute Time-Domain HRV

The hrv.compute_hrv_time function computes time-domain HRV metrics based on the supplied RR-intervals. The RR-intervals can be computed from ECG or PPG signals.

Metric Description
mean_nn Mean of NN intervals
sd_nn Standard deviation of NN intervals
rms_sd Root mean square of successive differences
sd_sd Standard deviation of successive differences
cv_nn Coefficient of variation of NN intervals
cv_sd Coefficient of variation of successive differences
median_nn Median of NN intervals
mad_nn Median absolute deviation of NN intervals
mcv_nn Median coefficient of variation of NN intervals
iqr_nn Interquartile range of NN intervals
prc20_nn 20th percentile of NN intervals
prc80_nn 80th percentile of NN intervals
nn50 Number of pairs of successive NN intervals that differ by more than 50 ms
nn20 Number of pairs of successive NN intervals that differ by more than 20 ms
pnn50 Proportion of NN50 divided by total number of NN intervals
pnn20 Proportion of NN20 divided by total number of NN intervals
min_nn Minimum of NN intervals
max_nn Maximum of NN intervals

In the following snippet, we generate a synthetic ECG signal, extract its r peaks and RR intervals, and finally compute time-domain HRV metrics.

tgt_hr = 64 # BPM

# Generate synthetic ECG signal
ecg = pk.ecg.synthesize(

# Create timestamps
ts = np.arange(0, ecg.size) / fs

# Clean ECG signal
ecg_clean = pk.ecg.clean(

# Extract R-peaks and RR-intervals
peaks = pk.ecg.find_peaks(ecg_clean, sample_rate=fs)
rri = pk.ecg.compute_rr_intervals(peaks)
mask = pk.ecg.filter_rr_intervals(rri, sample_rate=fs)

# Compute HRV metrics
hrv_td = pk.hrv.compute_hrv_time(
    rr_intervals=rri[mask == 0],

Compute Frequency-Domain HRV

The hrv.compute_hrv_frequency function computes frequency-domain HRV metrics based on the supplied RR-intervals. The RR-intervals can be computed from ECG or PPG signals.


Continuing from the previous example, we can also compute frequency-domain HRV metrics.


bands = [(0.04, 0.15), (0.15, 0.4), (0.4, 0.5)]
hrv_fd = pk.hrv.compute_hrv_frequency(
    peaks[mask == 0], rri[mask == 0],


Refer to HRV API for more details