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Feature Set: FS-H-E-10


This feature set is targeted for sleep stage classification based on single pair of ECG and EOG sensor data collected on head location. The feature set computes frequency band metrics over temporal windows (e.g. 30 seconds) captured from ECG and EOG sensors.

Target Location/Sensors

The target location for this feature set is the head. From this location, the features are compute from the following raw sensors:

  • EEG: Electroencephalography (EEG) sensor data is used to compute frequency bands, power spectral density, and entropy features.
  • EOG: Electrooculography (EOG) sensor data is used to compute ocular movement features.

Dataset Support

  • MESA: This dataset provides EEG, EOG, and EMG data from the head location. The dataset also provides sleep stage labels.


This feature set includes the following features:

Feature Name Description Sensor
eeg_delta_power Power in delta frequency band EEG
eeg_theta_power Power in theta frequency band EEG
eeg_alpha_power Power in alpha frequency band EEG
eeg_beta_power Power in beta frequency band EEG
eeg_gamma_power Power in gamma frequency band EEG
eog_delta_power Power in delta frequency band EOG
eog_theta_power Power in theta frequency band EOG
eog_alpha_power Power in alpha frequency band EOG
eog_beta_power Power in beta frequency band EOG
eog_gamma_power Power in gamma frequency band EOG


The feature set is stored as HDF5 files (.h5) with one file per subject with path: {save_path}/{dataset}/{subject_id}.h5. Each HDF5 file includes the following entries:

  • /features: Time x Feature tensor (fp32). Features are computed over windows of sensor data.
  • /mask: Time x Mask tensor (bool). Mask indicates valid feature values.
  • /labels: Time x Label (int). Labels are sleep stages.