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🏭 Model Factory

HeartKit provides a model factory that allows you to easily create and train customized models. The model factory is a wrapper around the TensorFlow Keras API that allows you to create functional-based models using high-level parameters. Most of the models are based on state-of-the-art architectures that have been modified to allow for more fine-grain customization. We also provide 1D variants to allow for training on time-series data. The included models are well suited for efficient, real-time edge applications.

Available Models

  • TCN: A CNN leveraging dilated convolutions
  • U-Net: A CNN with encoder-decoder architecture for segmentation tasks
  • U-NeXt: A U-Net variant leveraging MBConv blocks
  • EfficientNetV2: A CNN leveraging MBConv blocks
  • MobileOne: A CNN aimed at sub-1ms inference
  • ResNet: A popular CNN often used for vision tasks


The model factory can be invoked either via CLI or within the heartkit python package. At a high level, the model factory performs the following actions based on the provided configuration parameters:


    "name": "tcn",
    "params": {
        "input_kernel": [1, 3],
        "input_norm": "batch",
        "blocks": [
            {"depth": 1, "branch": 1, "filters": 12, "kernel": [1, 3], "dilation": [1, 1], "dropout": 0.10, "ex_ratio": 1, "se_ratio": 0, "norm": "batch"},
            {"depth": 1, "branch": 1, "filters": 20, "kernel": [1, 3], "dilation": [1, 1], "dropout": 0.10, "ex_ratio": 1, "se_ratio": 2, "norm": "batch"},
            {"depth": 1, "branch": 1, "filters": 28, "kernel": [1, 3], "dilation": [1, 2], "dropout": 0.10, "ex_ratio": 1, "se_ratio": 2, "norm": "batch"},
            {"depth": 1, "branch": 1, "filters": 36, "kernel": [1, 3], "dilation": [1, 4], "dropout": 0.10, "ex_ratio": 1, "se_ratio": 2, "norm": "batch"},
            {"depth": 1, "branch": 1, "filters": 40, "kernel": [1, 3], "dilation": [1, 8], "dropout": 0.10, "ex_ratio": 1, "se_ratio": 2, "norm": "batch"}
        "output_kernel": [1, 3],
        "include_top": true,
        "use_logits": true,
        "model_name": "tcn"
import keras
from heartkit.models import Tcn, TcnParams, TcnBlockParams

inputs = keras.Input(shape=(800, 1))
num_classes = 5

model = Tcn(
        input_kernel=(1, 3),
            TcnBlockParams(filters=8, kernel=(1, 3), dilation=(1, 1), dropout=0.1, ex_ratio=1, se_ratio=0, norm="batch"),
            TcnBlockParams(filters=16, kernel=(1, 3), dilation=(1, 2), dropout=0.1, ex_ratio=1, se_ratio=0, norm="batch"),
            TcnBlockParams(filters=24, kernel=(1, 3), dilation=(1, 4), dropout=0.1, ex_ratio=1, se_ratio=4, norm="batch"),
            TcnBlockParams(filters=32, kernel=(1, 3), dilation=(1, 8), dropout=0.1, ex_ratio=1, se_ratio=4, norm="batch"),
        output_kernel=(1, 3),