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Bring-Your-Own-Task (BYOT)

The Bring-Your-Own-Task (BYOT) feature allows users to create custom tasks for training, evaluating, and deploying heart-related AI models. This feature is useful for creating custom workflows for a given application with minimal coding.

How it Works

  1. Create a Task: Define a new task by creating a new Python file. The file should contain a class that inherits from the HKTask base class and implements the required methods.

    import heartkit as hk
    class CustomTask(hk.HKTask):
        def train(params: hk.HKTrainParams) -> None:
        def evaluate(params: hk.HKTestParams) -> None:
        def export(params: hk.HKExportParams) -> None:
        def demo(params: hk.HKDemoParams) -> None:
  2. Register the Task: Register the new task with the TaskFactory by calling the register method. This method takes the task name and the task class as arguments.

    hk.TaskFactory.register("custom", CustomTask)
  3. Use the Task: The new task can now be used with the TaskFactory to perform various operations such as training, evaluating, and deploying models.

    params = hk.HKTrainParams(...)
    task = hk.TaskFactory.get("custom")