File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
- dir neuralSPOT
- dir neuralspot
- dir ns-audio
- dir includes-api
- file ns_audio.h API Definition for NeuralSPOT Audio library.
- file ns_audio_features_common.h
- file ns_audio_melspec.h
- file ns_audio_mfcc.h Confifurable MFCC Calculator.
- dir src
- dir apollo3
- dir apollo4
- file ns_audadc.c
- file ns_pdm.c Driver for Ambiq PDM Microphone interface.
- file ns_audadc.h
- file ns_audio.c Implementation of the NeuralSPOT ns-audio API.
- file ns_audio_features_common.c
- file ns_melspec.c Set of mel-scaled spectrogram related utilities.
- file ns_mfcc.c Based on original Arm version, see below.
- file ns_pdm.h
- dir tests
- file ns_audio_tests.c
- file ns_audio_tests.h
- dir includes-api
- dir ns-audio
- dir neuralspot