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NeuralSPOT Tools

This directory contains assorted scripts designed to work with neuralSPOT.

Script Description All-in-one TFLite deployment tool: analyses, converts, deploys, and characterizes TFLite models on Apollo platforms. See below for details. RPC example script demonstrating both client and server modes, used in conjunction with rpc_client and rpc_server examples. Audio Code example script, used in conjuction with the audio_codec example. Stress test for RPC, used in conjunction with the rpc_test example. & Collect and plot Joulescope metrics captured while running AI workloads. See below for usage notes. Analyzes a TFLite file and estimates macs per layer. Cloned from TLFM repo, used by A collection of helper functions used by other tools in this directory.

The following section goes over the use of some of these tools.

NS_AutoDeploy Theory of Operations

The ns_autodeploy script is a all-in-one tool for automatically deploy, testing, profiling, and package TFLite files on Ambiq EVBs.


NOTE: For a detailed description of how AutoDeploy can be used to characterize a TFLite model on Apollo EVBs, see the application note.

Briefly, the script will:

  1. Load the specified TFLite model file and compute a few things (input and output tensors, number of layers, etc.)
  2. Convert the TFlite into a C file, wrap it in a baseline neuralSPOT application, and flash it to an EVB
  3. Perform an initial characterization over USB using RPC and use the results to fine-tune the application's memory allocation, then flash the fine-tuned version.
  4. Run invoke() both locally and on the EVB, feeding the same data to both, optionally profiling the performance of the first invoke() on the EVB
  5. Compare the resulting output tensors and summarize the differences, and report the performance (and store it in a CSV)
  6. If a joulescope is present and power profiling is enable, run 96Mhz and 192Mhz inferences to measure power, energy, and time per inference.
  7. Create a static library (with headers) containing the model, TFLM, and a minimal wrapper to ease integration into applications.
  8. Create a simple AmbiqSuite example suitable for copying into AmbiqSuites example directory.

Example usage:

$> ns_autodeploy --model-name mymodel --tflite-filename mymodel.tflite --neuralspot-rootdir ./ --destination-rootdir ./

This will produce output similar to:

*** Stage [1/4]: Create and fine-tune EVB model characterization image
Compiling and deploying Baseline image: arena size = 120k, RPC buffer size = 4096, Resource Variables count = 0
Compiling and deploying Tuned image:    arena size = 99k, RPC buffer size = 4096, Resource Variables count = 0

*** Stage [2/4]: Characterize model performance on EVB
Calling invoke on EVB 3 times.
100%|███████████████| 3/3 [00:03<00:00,  1.05s/it]

*** Stage [3/4]: Generate minimal static library
Generating minimal library at neuralSPOT/mymodel/mymodel

*** Stage [4/4]: Generate AmbiqSuite Example
Generating AmbiqSuite example at ../projects/autodeploy/vww/vww_ambiqsuite
AmbiqSuite example generated successfully at neuralSPOT/mymodel/mymodel_ambiqsuite

Characterization Report for vww:
[Profile] Per-Layer Statistics file:         vww_stats.csv
[Profile] Max Perf Inference Time (ms):      930.264
[Profile] Total Estimated MACs:              7489664
[Profile] Total CPU Cycles:                  178609526
[Profile] Total Model Layers:                31
[Profile] MACs per second:                   8051116.672
[Profile] Cycles per MAC:                    23.847
[Power]   Max Perf Inference Time (ms):      0.000
[Power]   Max Perf Inference Energy (uJ):    0.000
[Power]   Max Perf Inference Avg Power (mW): 0.000
[Power]   Min Perf Inference Time (ms):      0.000
[Power]   Min Perf Inference Energy (uJ):    0.000
[Power]   Min Perf Inference Avg Power (mW): 0.000

        - Statistics marked with [Profile] are collected from the first inference, whereas [Power] statistics
          are collected from the average of the 100 inferences. This will lead to slight
          differences due to cache warmup, etc.
        - CPU cycles are captured via Arm ETM traces
        - MACs are estimated based on the number of operations in the model, not via instrumented code

Readers will note that the [Power] values are all zeros - this is because power characterization requires a and is disabled by default. For more information on how to measure power using Autodeploy, see see the application note.

Autodeploy is capable of showing more information via the verbosity command line option. For example, for a detailed per-layer performance analysis, use --verbosity=1, though this same information is always saved as a CSV.


Autodeploy Command Line Options

ns_autodeploy --help
optional arguments:
  --seed SEED           Random Seed (default: 42)
  --no-create-binary    Create a neuralSPOT Validation EVB image based on TFlite file (default: True)
  --no-create-profile   Profile the performance of the model on the EVB (default: True)
  --no-create-library   Create minimal static library based on TFlite file (default: True)
                        Create AmbiqSuite example based on TFlite file (default: True)
  --joulescope          Measure power consumption of the model on the EVB using Joulescope (default: False)
  --onboard-perf        Capture and print performance measurements on EVB (default: False)
  --tflite-filename TFLITE_FILENAME
                        Name of tflite model to be analyzed (default: model.tflite)
  --tflm-filename TFLM_FILENAME
                        Name of TFLM C file for Characterization phase (default: mut_model_data.h)
  --max-arena-size MAX_ARENA_SIZE
                        Maximum KB to be allocated for TF arena (default: 120)
  --arena-size-scratch-buffer-padding ARENA_SIZE_SCRATCH_BUFFER_PADDING
                        (TFLM Workaround) Padding to be added to arena size to account for scratch buffer (in KB) (default: 0)
  --max-rpc-buf-size MAX_RPC_BUF_SIZE
                        Maximum bytes to be allocated for RPC RX and TX buffers (default: 4096)
  --resource-variable-count RESOURCE_VARIABLE_COUNT
                        Maximum ResourceVariables needed by model (typically used by RNNs) (default: 0)
  --max-profile-events MAX_PROFILE_EVENTS
                        Maximum number of events (layers) captured during model profiling (default: 40)
  --dataset DATASET     Name of dataset (default: dataset.pkl)
  --no-random-data      Use random data (default: True)
  --runs RUNS           Number of inferences to run for characterization (default: 100)
  --runs-power RUNS_POWER
                        Number of inferences to run for power measurement (default: 100)
  --cpu-mode CPU_MODE   CPU Speed (MHz) - can be 96 or 192 (default: 96)
  --model-name MODEL_NAME
                        Name of model to be used in generated library (default: model)
  --working-directory WORKING_DIRECTORY
                        Directory where generated library will be placed (default: ../projects/autodeploy)
  --profile-warmup PROFILE_WARMUP
                        How many inferences to profile (default: 1)
  --verbosity VERBOSITY
                        Verbosity level (0-4) (default: 1)
  --tty TTY             Serial device (default: /dev/tty.usbmodem1234561)
  --baud BAUD           Baud rate (default: 115200)

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit


There is a known TFLM bug wherein the arena size estimator fails to account for temporary scratch buffers. If this occurs, the defaul ns_autodeploy parameters will cause a configuration failure, and the script will exit with the following error:

Model Configuration Failed
When this occurs, padding for scratch buffers must be manually added via the --arena_size_scratch_buffer_padding option. The value, in kilobytes, must be chosen via experimentation (in other words, pick a number and go up or down from there).

Joulescope Plotting Tools

These scripts provide a simple way to show a models latency and energy consumption over repeated runs, typically for demonstration purposes. It requires one or more Joulescopes, of course. There are two scripts - and - that must be run concurrently.

This script expects AI measurement firmware to be flashed on the device. The easiest way to do this is to run the ns_autodeploy script with the --joulescope option enabled as described above.

First, start in one shell. Note the URL printed - this is a local web server that will dynamically show the plot.

$> cd tools
$> python

Starting process
Dash is running on

 * Serving Flask app 'plotter'
 * Debug mode: off
WARNING: This is a development server. Do not use it in a production deployment. Use a production WSGI server instead.
 * Running on

Then, start in another window:

$> cd tools
$> python

The measurer script will:

  1. Search for connected Joulescopes
  2. For each scope, it will use the Joulescope's GPO0 to start the test on the EVB, then monitor GPI0 and GPI1 to monitor the state of the AI workload.
  3. Collect latency and energy metrics from the joulescope and send it over ZeroMQ pubsub socket to the script you started above.