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MPU Data Capture

RPC, or remote procedure call, is a way for the code running on the EVB to call functions that reside on the laptop. It does so by communicating over a transport layer - in our case, we use serial-over-USB, where the 'usb' is the second USB port on the EVB.

It's a client/server system needing some careful staging, described below.

Installation and Setup

You'll need to install some Python-based PC-side software, following the instructions here..

NOTE for Windows, see our Windows eRPC application note

You'll also need to connect the sensor (an MPU6050) to the EVB (instructions here).

Capturing Data

  1. Compile and flash the NeuralSPOT mpu_data_collection example
  2. Connect the second USB cable to your laptop - you'll now have 2 USB connections between the EVB and the laptop
    1. Monitor the EVB SWO printout - you should see "Press Button 0 to begin calibration"
    2. The second connection will mount as a USB TTY device. On a Mac, it'll look something like /dev/tty.usbmodem1234561, on PC it'll be COMx or similar.
    3. Look for the USB TTY device - if it doesn't pop up, there is a problem. It won't show up until "Press Button" shows up, so make sure you got that far.
  3. Start the laptop-side RPC server. It should say "Wait for client to send a eRPC request"
  4. Press EVB button 0

After calibration, it'll dump data until your stop the server (ctrl-c on laptop, or reset button on EVB).


Building mpu_data_collection

$> cd .../neuralSPOT
$> make
$> make TARGET=mpu_data_collection deploy

Running Client

Requires Python 3.6+, and I highly recommend using a venv.

$> cd .../neuralSPOT/tools
$> python -m generic_data -t /dev/tty.usbmodem1234561 -o myfile.csv -m server
Server started - waiting for client to send a eRPC request

The CSV contains 1 row per sample, each row with 7 float values, and 200 rows per second: ax, ay, az, gx, gy, gz, temp